Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje

Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje

Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje was the Tibetan Buddhist monk who assassinated the Tibetan king Langdarma in 842 CE.

Pelgyi Dorje was a student of Padmasambhava. In Tibetan tradition, King Langdarma persecuted Buddhism in Tibet. To end this persecution, Pelgyi Dorje traveled to the King's palace where he surprised the King and killed him with a bow and arrow. Pelgyi Dorje then fled to Amdo (Qinghai) or Yerpa, where he lived out the rest of his life as a recluse.

Though regarded by most Tibetans as historical fact, the story of the assassination may be apocryphal.[1]


  1. Mandelbaum, Arthur (August 2007). "Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-08-19.