Lex Acilia repetundarum

Lex Acilia Repetundarum was a law established in ancient Rome in 123 B.C.[1]

It provides for equites as jurors in courts overseeing senatorial class to prevent corruption abroad.[2] Equites who gained tax contracts or presided over courts could not, unlike senators, be prosecuted for extortion. It was extremely unpopular in the Senate since the inferior class judges the senatorial. It was believed to be part of Gaius Gracchus' measures, suggesting that Gaius carried his chief judicial act in another tribune's name. Cicero implies in his first Verrine Oration that the measure was the work of the father of Manius Acilius Glabrio, the praetor in charge of the extortion courts in 70 B.C.

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  1. William Alexander Hunter (1803). A Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law in the Order of a Code. Sweet & Maxwell. pp. 45–.
  2. Bernardo Santalucia (1994). Studi di diritto penale romano. L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER. pp. 188–. ISBN 978-88-7062-864-7.