Leo Dion

Leo Dion is a Papua New Guinean politician.

He worked as a police officer before entering politics, and was awarded the Queen's Police Medal.[1]

He was first elected to the National Parliament in a by-election in 2000, for the East New Britain provincial seat. His election to the provincial seat also made him Governor of the East New Britain province, of which he was previously deputy governor. He has been re-elected continuously to the seat and governorship since then, most recently in 2012. Formerly a member of the National Alliance Party, he joined the Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party ("THE Party") prior to the 2012 general election. Following that election, Prime Minister Peter O'Neill appointed him Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Inter-Government Relations.[1] In June 2014, Dion joined O'Neill's People's National Congress Party.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Hon. Leo Dion, MP", Parliament of Papua New Guinea
  2. "PNG Deputy PM swaps parties", Radio New Zealand International, 8 July 2014