Lens placode

Lens placode

Transverse section of head of chick embryo of fifty-two hours’ incubation.
Latin placoda lentis
Precursor surface ectoderm
Gives rise to lens
Code TE E5.
Anatomical terminology

The Lens placode is a thickened portion of ectoderm which serves as the precursor to the lens.

SOX2 and Pou2f1 are involved in its development.[1]

See also


This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

  1. Donner AL, Episkopou V, Maas RL (2007). "Sox2 and Pou2f1 interact to control lens and olfactory placode development". Dev. Biol. 303 (2): 784–99. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2006.10.047. PMC 3276313. PMID 17140559.

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