Lebert Lombardo

Lebert Lombardo at top right with brothers Guy, Victor and Carmen and sister Rose Marie.

Lebert Lombardo (February 11, 1905 – June 16, 1993) was a younger brother of Royal Canadians bandleader Guy Lombardo. Along with other brother Carmen, he was a member of the original Royal Canadians, playing trumpet and occasionally singing. His younger brother Victor Lombardo joined the band later, although Victor was never a partner; ownership of the band remained with the three older brothers.

Lebert Lombardo was never a jazz musician, but famed trumpeter Louis Armstrong named Lebert as one of his favorite trumpeters, citing Lombardo's ability to play the melody beautifully.

After Guy Lombardo's death in 1977, Lebert's son Bill briefly assumed the role of bandleader. They both retired a few years later, ending the involvement of the Lombardo family in the band.

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