Lebanese Special Operations Command

Lebanese Special Operations Command
Active 2008
Country Lebanon
Type Special Operations
Size planned 3 Brigades
Part of Lebanese Armed Forces
Nickname LSOCOM

The Lebanese Special Operations Command (LSOCOM) (Arabic: قيادة القوات الخاصة اللبنانية Kiyadat al Kouwat al Khasa al Loubnanya) is the joint Special Operations command of the Lebanese Armed Forces which groups Lebanon's elite units. The command is part of the Lebanese Armed Forces.


Lebanese Armed Forces

Ministry of National Defense
Lebanese Air Force
Lebanese Navy
Lebanese Special Forces
Lebanese Red Cross
LAF Commanders
Lebanese Military Personnel
Topics of Lebanon
Culture - Geography
History - Politics

The command was founded as a result of the lessons the army learned in the Nahr el Bared Operation. The Lebanese Special Forces spearheaded the attack on the camp in which 169 soldiers died and were the workhorse in the battle and the key to the success of the campaign. Nahr el Bared was the first occasion where these regiments were able to prove themselves capable, especially at counter-terrorism operations, which prompted the Lebanese Army Command to start planning to expand them.


The LSOCOM includes Lebanon's 4 Special Forces Regiments:

  • Navy Commando Regiment (Navy SEALs)
  • Lebanese Commando Regiment (Also known as the Maghaweer)
  • Lebanese Airborne Regiment
  • Counter-Sabotage (Moukafaha) Branch and the Strike Force (Kouwa el-Dareba) Anti-Terrorism Branch


At formation, the size of the force was around 5000 soldiers; however, the plan is to build a force the size of two to three brigades.[1]

See Also

  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Lebanon


  1. Kahwaji, Riad (January 21, 2008), "Special Operations Command, More Military Aid for Beirut", Defense News