Lebanese Brazilian

Lebanese Brazilian
البرازيلي اللبناني

Notable Lebanese Brazilians:
Carlos Ghosn · Luciana Gimenez Murad · Paulo Maluf
 · Daniella Sarahyba · G. Kassab · Tony Kanaan
Arnaldo Jabor · Geraldo Alckmin · F. Haddad
José Maria Alkmin · Michel Temer
Total population

The Lebanese government claims there are 7 million Brazilians of Lebanese descent .

including mixed with other groups
Regions with significant populations
Brazil: Mainly in São Paulo State, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Rio de Janeiro.
Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic (Lebanese Arabic)
Roman Catholicism 65%, Eastern Orthodox Church 20%, Shia Islam, Sunni Islam, Druze 15%
Today predominantly Roman Catholicism
and some Muslim, Agnosticism, Atheism
Related ethnic groups
Other Brazilian and Lebanese people
White Brazilians, Arab Brazilians

A Lebanese Brazilian (Portuguese: Líbano-brasileiro) (Arabic: البرازيلي اللبناني) is a Brazilian person of full, partial, or predominantly Lebanese ancestry, or a Lebanese-born person immigrant in Brazil. Until 1922, Levantine immigrants were considered "Turks", as they carried passports issued by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which then ruled over present-day Lebanon.[1] The population of Brazil of either full or partial Lebanese descent is estimated at 7 [2] million people, which is most likely a gross over-estimation (see below for numbers of immigrants at the height of Lebanese migration to Brazil). This number of descendants is larger than the population in Lebanon. Immigration of the Lebanese (and Syrians) to Brazil started in the late 19th century, most of them coming from Lebanon and later from Syria. The immigration to Brazil grew further in the 20th century, and was concentrated in the state of São Paulo, but also extended to Minas Gerais, Goiás, Rio de Janeiro and other parts of Brazil.

Between 1884-1933 130,000 Lebanese people immigrated to Brazil. 65% of them were Catholics (Maronite Catholics and Melkite Catholics), 20% were Eastern Orthodox and 15% were Muslims (Shia, Sunni and Druze). According to French Consulate reports from that time, Lebanese/ Syrian immigrants in São Paulo and Santos were 130,000, in Pará 20,000, Rio de Janeiro 15,000, Rio Grande do Sul 14,000 and in Bahia 12,000. During the Lebanese Civil War 32,000 Lebanese people immigrated to Brazil.

Lebanese culture has influenced many aspects of Brazil's culture. In big towns of Brazil it is easy to find restaurants of Lebanese food, and dishes, such as sfiha ("esfiha"), hummus, kibbeh ("quibe"), tahina, tabbouleh ("tabule") and halwa are very well known among Brazilians.

Most Lebanese immigrants in Brazil have worked as traders, roaming the vast country to sell textiles and clothes and open new markets. Lebanese-Brazilians are well-integrated into Brazilian society.

The Hospital Sírio-Libanês (Syrian-Lebanese Hospital) founded by the Lebanese Community in 1931 in São Paulo.
Igreja Ortodoxa São Jorge de Brasília (St. George Eastern Orthodox Church) located in Brasília.
Lebanese Mosque in Cuiabá, Brazil.

Notable Lebanese Brazilians

Please see List of Lebanese people in Brazil

See also
