Le peintre amoureux de son modèle

Le peintre amoureux de son modèle (The Painter in Love with his Model) is an opéra comique in two acts by the composer Egidio Duni with a libretto by Louis Anseaume. It was first performed at the Théâtre de la Foire Saint-Laurent, Paris on 26 July 1757. The Italian Duni had been working at the court of Parma, where French culture was highly fashionable, and travelled to Paris to see the premiere of his opera. He remained in France for the rest of his career. Le peintre marked an important stage in the development of opéra comique.


Cast Voice type Premiere cast
Alberti, an elderly painter bass Jean-Louis Laruette
Zerbin, a young apprentice tenor M Bouret
Jacinte, an old governess soprano Mlle Deschamps
Laurette, a young girl soprano Mlle Rosaline


External links