Laze language

Pronunciation lɑ˧ze˧
Native to China
Region Sichuan
Native speakers
(no estimate available)
Language codes
ISO 639-3 None (mis)
Glottolog laze1238[1]

Laze, rendered in Chinese as Lare (拉热),[2] is a language of the Naish subbranch of the Naic group of languages, spoken in Muli County, western Sichuan, China.


The name Laze (IPA: [lɑ˧ze˧]) is likely to be a place name.[2]

Resources about Laze

Publications are available on:

Recordings in Laze are available from the Pangloss Collection (an online archive of languages).[7]


  1. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Laze". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Guo Dalie, and He Zhiwu. 1994. Naxizu Shi (A History of the Naxi People). Chongqing: Sichuan Minzu Chubanshe.
  3. 黄布凡. 2009. “木里水田话概况.” 汉藏语学报 3: 30–55 (Huang Bufan. 2009. “A Survey of Muli Shuitian (Muli Shuitianhua Gaikuang).” Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics (Hanzangyu Xuebao) 3: 30–55.)
  4. Michaud, Alexis, and Guillaume Jacques. 2012. “The Phonology of Laze: Phonemic Analysis, Syllabic Inventory, and a Short Word List.” Yuyanxue Luncong 语言学论丛 45: 196–230.
  5. Jacques, Guillaume, and Alexis Michaud. 2011. "Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages: Naxi, Na and Laze." Diachronica 28:468-498.
  6. Michaud, Alexis. 2009. [ “The Prosodic System of Muli Shuitian (Laze) (Muli Shuitianhua Shengdiao Xitong Yanjiu 木里水田话声调系统研究).”] Minority Languages of China (Minzu Yuwen 民族语文) 6: 28–33.
  7. Laze recordings in the Pangloss Collection