Law enforcement in the Czech Republic

Policing in the Czech Republic is the responsibility of the state Police of the Czech Republic, assisted by local municipal police departments in several cities and towns.


Municipal Police of Prague

Among the departments in the force are the order police service, the criminal police service, the traffic police service, the administration activity service, the Safety service, the service for investigating corruption and serious commercial crimes, the foreign and border police service, the rapid response team, the railway police service and the air service. Emergency phone number on state police is 158 or 112.

At the city and town level, Municipal police (Městská policie) is funded and directed locally. Municipal police units are administered by municipalities. Their scope of activities is limited to the city or the municipality. The municipal police closely cooperate with the state police. The municipal police department is controlled by the mayor or another authorized member of the municipal council. The emergency phone number of the municipal police is 156.

Municipal police have jurisdiction over misdemeanors, supervise and protect the safety of citizens and properties, public order, collaborate within their competence with the state police in terms of safety on the roads, deal with offences and other wrongs, etc. Officers of municipal police are armed and usually patrol on foot, bike, or car. Municipal police cannot investigate serious crimes and doesn't take investigations, municipal policemen secure the suspects on the scene and hand the case further to the state police, which is responsible for the investigation. Officers of the municipal police in large cities are the basic public order keepers. Many municipal police agencies have common radio with the state police to provide better and quicker response. This system is highly used in bigger cities (Most, Prague..) where it often happens that several municipal and state police units arrive. Municipal police often conducts common safety policing actions with the state police. Cooperation in general is on very high level.

International liaison

The Rapid Response Team maintains contact with British 22 SAS, French GIGN and RAID, Belgian DSU (formerly known as SIE), and Italian NOCS and GIS.[1]

See also


  1. The Czech Republic Police Force Retrieved 19 May 2007