Laurentius Petri Gothus

Laurentius Petri Gothus (dead February 12, 1579) was the second Swedish Lutheran Archbishop of Uppsala, Sweden, 1575-1579.

He was born in 1529 or 1530 in the province Östergötland, from where the name Gothus is derived as the means of separating him from his predecessor as archbishop, Laurentius Petri Nericius.

He was a well-mannered and educated person, and the previous archbishop Nericius recommended him as a his court chaplain to the King Erik XIV in 1560.

When Erik's successor John III was crowned, Johan preferred Gothus to Nericius, since Gothus was more in agreement with his own view on Lutheranism. They advocated a mean way between Catholicism and Lutheranism in Sweden, unlike Nericius who was more inclined to Luther's teachings.

He was ordained by the King in 1575 in a ceremony by Catholic proportions, with cope and all the Catholic rituals.

In the 1570s, jesuits were allowed to spread their messages. As a reaction, Gothus wrote several texts against papism and liturgy. As opposed as Gothus was to this, he was still a supporter of liturgy, as evident from some of his texts, while also at the same time in favor of Luther's works.

See also
