Larryboy: The Cartoon Adventures

Larryboy: The Cartoon Adventures is a 2002 American family animated television series which is a spin-off of the popular Computer animated series VeggieTales created by Big Idea Entertainment. The series revolves around the character Larry's superhero alter-ego Larryboy as he tries to manage his life as a superhero while going undercover as a Jainitor for the Daily Bumble Newspaper in Bumblyburg.

Every episode is thirty minutes long and they all feature a five-minute short film after the end of each episode.

Unlike its predecessor VeggieTales, LarryBoy features entirely hand-drawn animation and characters never seen in the original show. The only returning characters from VeggieTales include Larry the Cucumber, Bob the Tomato, Junior Asparagus and Archibald Asparagus. The series was short-lived and only ran for four episodes. The reason that the show got cancelled is unknown.


Main characters

Recurring characters

Episodes and shorts


Home media

All of the episodes were released on their own separate VHS and DVD Format the following years the episodes were made. All four of the episodes were also released along with three other Larryboy films as a complete series on a VeggieTales DVD entitled The Larryboy: Power Pack which was released in 2009.
