Larry Siedentop

Larry Siedentop, May 2013.

Larry Siedentop (born Chicago 1936) is a U.S.-born British political philosopher with a special interest in nineteenth-century French liberalism. He is the author of Democracy in Europe,[1] and an occasional contributor to several major British daily newspapers, including the Financial Times and The Times.

Siedentop attended Hope College, a liberal arts college in Michigan affiliated with the Reformed Church in America, and Harvard University, where he received his AM degree. He then received a DPhil from the University of Oxford (equivalent to a PhD elsewhere) for a thesis on the thought of Joseph de Maistre and Maine de Biran, written at Magdalen College, Oxford, under the supervision of Sir Isaiah Berlin.

From 1965 to 1968 Siedentop was a Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, but he spent most of his academic career as a Fellow of Keble College, Oxford, and a University Lecturer.

After retiring from Oxford Siedentop was a Visiting Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Wassenaar, Queen Victoria Eugenia Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, and a Visiting Fellow in Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

In November 2004 Siedentop was invested with a CBE for services to political thought and higher education.

Selected Books and Articles

Books as author:

Books as editor:

Newspaper articles:

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Larry Siedentop.


  1. Penguin Press, 2000
  2. Oxford University Press, 1994