Language identification in the limit

Language identification in the limit is a formal model for inductive inference. It was introduced by E. Mark Gold in his paper with the same title [1] In this model, a learner is provided with presentation (i.e. strings) of some formal language. The learning is seen as an infinite process. Each time an element of the presentation is read the learner should provide a representation (e.g. a formal grammar) for the language. It is said that a learner can identify in the limit a class of languages if given any presentation of any language in the class the learner will produce only a finite number of wrong representations, and therefore converge on the correct representation in a finite number of steps, without however necessarily being able to announce its correctness since a counterexample to that representation could appear as an element arbitrarily long after.

Gold defined two types of presentations:


This model is an early attempt to formally capture the notion of learnability. Gold's paper[2] introduces for contrast the stronger models

A weaker formal model of learnability is the Probably approximately correct learning (PAC) model, introduced by Leslie Valiant in 1984.


Example 4
Teacher Learner's
Guess Query
0. abab
1. yes abab baba
2. yes a*(ba)*b* aa
3. no (ab)*(ba)*(ab)*(ba)* bababa
4. yes (ab+ba)* babb
5. no (ab+ba)* baaa
... ...
Example 3
Teacher Learner
1. abab abab
2. baba a*(ba)*b*
3. aa (ab)*(ba)*(ab)*(ba)*
4. bababa (ab+ba)*
5. babb (ab+ba)*
6. baaa (ab+ba)*
7. ε (ab+ba)*
... ...
Example 2
Teacher Learner
1. abab abab
2. ba abab+ba
3. baba abab+ba+baba
4. ba abab+ba+baba
5. baba abab+ba+baba
6. abab abab+ba+baba
7. ε abab+ba+baba
... ...
Example 1
Teacher Learner
1. abab abab
2. baba abab+baba
3. baabab (b+ε)(ab)*
4. baabab (b+ε)(ab)*+baabab
5. abbaabba (ab)*(ba)*(ab)*(ba)*
6. baabbaab (ab+ba)*
7. bababa (ab+ba)*
... ...

It is instructive to look at concrete examples of learning sessions the definition of identification in the limit speaks about.

Learnability characterization

Dana Angluin gave the characterizations of learnability from text (positive information) in a 1980 paper. [6] If a learner is required to be effective, then an indexed class of recursive languages is learnable in the limit if there is an effective procedure that uniformly enumerates tell-tales for each language in the class (Condition 1).[7] It is not hard to see that if we allow an ideal learner (i.e., an arbitrary function), then an indexed class of languages is learnable in the limit if each language in the class has a tell-tale (Condition 2).[8]

Language classes learnable in the limit

Dividing lines between identifiable and nonidentifiable language classes[9]
Learnability model Class of languages
Anomalous text presentation[note 1]
Recursively enumerable
Complete presentation
Primitive recursive[note 2]
Superfinite[note 3]
Normal text presentation[note 4]
Singleton[note 5]

The table shows which language classes are identifiable in the limit in which learning model. On the right hand side, each language class is a super class of all lower classes. Each learning model (i.e. type of presentation) can identify in the limit all classes below it. In particular, the class of finite languages is identifiable in the limit by text presentation (cf. Example 2 above), while the class of regular languages is not.

Pattern Languages, introduced by Dana Angluin in another 1980 paper, [10] are also identifiable by normal text presentation; they are omitted in the table, since they are above the singleton and below the primitive recursive language class, but incomparable to the classes in between.[note 6]

Sufficient conditions for learnability

Condition 1 in Angluin's paper[7] is not always easy to verify. Therefore, people come up with various sufficient conditions for the learnability of a language class. See also Induction of regular languages for learnable subclasses of regular languages.

Finite thickness

A class of languages has finite thickness if every non-empty set of strings is contained in at most finitely many languages of the class. This is exactly Condition 3 in Angluin's paper.[11] Angluin showed that if a class of recursive languages has finite thickness, then it is learnable in the limit.[12]

A class with finite thickness certainly satisfies MEF-condition and MFF-condition; in other words, finite thickness implies M-finite thickness.[13]

Finite elasticity

A class of languages is said to have finite elasticity if for every infinite sequence of strings s_0, s_1, ... and every infinite sequence of languages in the class L_1, L_2, ..., there exists a finite number n such that s_n\not\in L_n implies L_n is inconsistent with \{s_1,...,s_{n-1}\}.

It is shown that a class of recursively enumerable languages is learnable in the limit if it has finite elasticity.

Other concepts

Infinite cross property

A language L has infinite cross property within a class of languages \mathcal{L} if there is an infinite sequence L_i of distinct languages in \mathcal{L} and a sequence of finite subset T_i such that:

Note that L is not necessarily a member of the class of language.

It is not hard to see that if there is a language with infinite cross property within a class of languages, then that class of languages has infinite elasticity.

Relations between concepts

Open questions


  1. i.e. text presentation, where the string given by the teacher is a primitive recursive function of the current step number, and the learner encodes a language guess as a program that enumerates the language
  2. i.e. the class of languages that are decidable by primitive recursive functions
  3. i.e. containing all finite languages and at least one infinite one
  4. i.e. text presentation, expect for the anomalous text presentation setting
  5. i.e. the class of languages consisting of a single string (they are mentioned here only as a common lower bound to finite languages and pattern languages)
  6. incomparable to regular and to context-free language class: Theorem 3.10, p.53


  1. Gold, E. Mark (1967). "Language identification in the limit". Information and Control 10 (5): 447–474. doi:10.1016/S0019-9958(67)91165-5.
  2. p.457
  3. Theorem I.8,I.9, p.470-471
  4. Theorem I.6, p.469
  5. Theorem I.3, p.467
  6. Dana Angluin (1980). "Inductive Inference of Formal Languages from Positive Data". Information and Control 45: 117–135. doi:10.1016/S0019-9958(80)90285-5.
  7. 7.0 7.1 p.121 top
  8. p.123 top
  9. Table 1, p.452, in (Gold 1967)
  10. Dana Angluin (1980). "Finding Patterns Common to a Set of Strings". Journal of Computer and System Sciences 21: 46–62. doi:10.1016/0022-0000(80)90041-0.
  11. p.123 mid
  12. p.123 bot, Corollary 2
  13. 13.0 13.1 Andris Ambainis, Sanjay Jain, Arun Sharma (1997). "Ordinal mind change complexity of language identification". Computational Learning Theory. LNCS 1208. Springer. pp. 301–315.; here: Proof of Corollary 29
  14. Wright, Keith (1989) "Identification of Unions of Languages Drawn from an Identifiable Class". Proc. 2nd Workwhop on Computational Learning Theory, 328-333; with correction in: Motoki, Shinohara, and Wright (1991) "The correct definition of finite elasiticity: corrigendum to identification of unions", Proc. 4th Workshop on Computational Learing Theory, 375-375