Land economy

Land economy is the study of law, economics, real estate and environmental science. This multidisciplinary discipline has become more common; however, the University of Cambridge is the only European university offering a specific land economy degree at undergraduate level, whilst the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology is the only African one. The University of Aberdeen offers a one-year post graduate MSc in Land Economy and this course which is focused on rural land economy has been running for many years.

Tripos at the University of Cambridge

Land Economy is offered as a three-year undergraduate degree course as part of the Cambridge Tripos. The course has a distinctive multidisciplinary nature and is deemed as especially applicable to the twenty-first century world in the where economics, law and the environment meet. As increasingly, the control of scarce resources affects the livelihoods of people around the world. [1]

Students reading Land Economy at the University of Cambridge must apply to a college of the University of Cambridge in order to be considered for admission (as with any other degree program at Cambridge). Specific A-Level subjects are not required, although many successful applicants have studied Mathematics, Economics and Geography in the past. The standard A-Level offer is A*AA, although some colleges make offers of A*A*AA. Similarly, IB offers tend to be around 42 points, with a 7, 7, 6 in the applicants' Higher Level Subjects.

In the first year (Part IA), students study courses in public and administrative law, macroeconomics, microeconomics, welfare economics, accounting, statistics, quantitative techniques, sustainability and development. The first year allows students to explore the breadth of the course and choose what enters them most for further specialisation.

In the second year (Part IB), students select papers of interest, including further courses from economics, finance, real estate, law and geography.

In the third year (Part II), students go into further breadth of depth, choosing more modules and submitting a dissertation. These tend to be in areas such as quantitative analysis, law, economics, planning and ecosystem services.

The degree offers exemption from the professional examinations of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and, depending on which papers students choose, also offers partial exemption from the Common Professional Examination law conversion course.[2]

The Department of Land Economy has one of the strongest records for graduate employment across the University (employment rate near 100%), undoubtedly a reflection of its strong practical base and emphasis on the development of critical employment skills.[3]

Many Land Economy graduates enter the workforce as commercial lawyers, consultants, property professionals, economists, or as advisers for national and international organisations.

The University of Aberdeen

The Master of Land Economy Course (MLE) at Aberdeen University is a rural focused programme which is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The programme is a fast-track course for graduates seeking entry into the Rural Professional Group of RICS. It is the only programme of its kind in Scotland accredited by the RICS, allowing graduates to proceed to the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence and full professional membership of the RICS. It is also however a course which gives students a thorough grounding in all aspects of the countryside and land management, planning, environmental and rural policy issues.

Students study traditional land management subjects (agriculture, forestry, valuation and planning law) and emerging and topical issues (environmental and conservation activities, tourism projects, planning issues, countryside access, diversification projects, and renewable renewable energy initiatives) combined with an understanding of the business skills necessary for successful decision-making and rural business management.[4]

Current universities offering the degree



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