Lancashire hotpot

For the comedy folk band, see The Lancashire Hotpots.
Lancashire Hotpot

Lancashire hotpot
Course Main course
Place of origin Lancashire, England
Serving temperature Hot
Main ingredients lamb or mutton, onions, potatoes
Cookbook:Lancashire Hotpot  Lancashire Hotpot

Lancashire hotpot is a dish made traditionally from lamb or mutton and onion, topped with sliced potatoes, left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. Originating in the days of heavy industrialisation in Lancashire in the North West of England, it requires a minimum of effort to prepare.

Preparation techniques

There are many regional variations. It is frequently found listed amongst the usual pub grub dishes in hostelries around Britain. The basic recipe consists of a mix of lamb and vegetables (carrot, turnip, potatoes, onions or leeks) covered with sliced potato. Sometimes lamb kidneys are included in the dish. Modern variants may use beef or bacon chops instead of lamb, or have a pastry topping. As much food can be added as will fit in the pot.

The traditional recipe once included oysters,[1] but increasing cost eliminated them from common usage. Pickled red cabbage or beetroot are often served as an accompaniment. In some areas Lancashire cheese is also served with the dish .


Flavour can be enhanced with seasoning; salt and pepper would be the most traditional, and any other ingredients available in the kitchen. Some stock is usually added to cover the contents while it cooks, though some recipes rely on a well-sealed pot on a low heat to retain enough moisture within the meat, onion and potato.

The hot pot

The hot pot referred to is a pottery dish used to cook casseroles in British cuisine.

See also


  1. Lancashire Hot Pot . Retrieved 22-10-2010.

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