Lahore Transport Company

Lahore Transport Company
Founded 1986
Headquarters Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Service area Lahore
Service type Public Transit, Bus Rapid Transit
Fleet 650
Fuel type Petrol

Lahore Transport Company (LTC) is a public transit bus system established for the carrying of urban passengers in Lahore, in the Punjab, Pakistan.[1] It operates a bus rapid transit system in Lahore. However, the BRTs do not have dedicated lanes and right of privilege.


It was established under the companies ordinance of 1984. LTC got all the transport responsibilities of traveling in Lahore in December 2001.


It travels under routes issued by the Government of Punjab.[2] It issues students "Green Card", which means that PKR 10 will be charged by the students on LTC's Buses.[3] The buses are air conditioned and have separate sections for men and women. The fleet of Lahore Transport Comapany has more than 650 buses which run throughout the city as well as sub-urban areas of the city.

See also
