Lady Chen

This is a Chinese name; the family name is Chen.

Lady Chen (Chinese: 陈夫人; 2nd century) was the wife of eastern Han king Xiao of Bohai (The grandson of emperor zhang of Han), and the bioloical mother of Liu Zun emperor Zhi of Han.

She entered into the royal Harem by her talent as an entertainer.

In the year 145 emperor Chong of Han died, and as there was no heir to emperors An and Shun of Han, the eight years old Liu Zuan ascended to the crown. On the following year Liu Zuan was poisoned by the general Liang ji. General Liang was also the reason why Lady Chen was not given the status of either an empress, a royal wife or an empress Dowager. Yet, In the year 175 emperor ling of Han has honoured the mother of emperor Chong by bestowing on her the title "noble lady of Xian hill", while Lady Chen was entitled "concubine of king Wang of Bohai".[1]


  1. 《后汉书》、《资治通鉴》