Ladoga Lacus

Ladoga Lacus

False-color near infrared view of Titan's northern hemisphere, showing its seas and lakes. Orange areas near some of them may be deposits of organic evaporite left behind by receding liquid hydrocarbon.
Feature type Lacus
Coordinates 74°48′N 26°06′W / 74.8°N 26.1°WCoordinates: 74°48′N 26°06′W / 74.8°N 26.1°W
Diameter 110 km[note 1]
Eponym Lake Ladoga

Ladoga Lacus is a geographical feature on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, named after Lake Ladoga, Russia. It is one of a number of "methane lakes" found in Titan's north polar region.[1]

The lake, detected in 2004 by the Cassini space probe, is composed of liquid ethane and methane.[2] It is 110 km long and is located at 74°48′N 26°06′W / 74.8°N 26.1°W on Titan's globe.


  1. The USGS web site gives the size as a "diameter", but it is actually the length in the longest dimension.


  1. "Ladoga Lacus". USGS planetary nomenclature page. USGS. Retrieved 2015-03-25.
  2. Athéna Coustenis, F. W. Taylor Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World. (World Scientific, 2008) pp. 154–155. ISBN 978-981-270-501-3.