Lactantius Placidus

Lactantius Placidus (c. 350 c. 400 AD) was the presumed author of a commentary on Statius's poem Thebaid.[1]

The edition of the commentary is: Robert Dale Sweeney Ed.: Lactantii Placidi in Statii Thebaida commentum. Vol. 1: Anonymi in Statii Achilleida commentum. Fulgentii ut fingitur Planciadis super Thebaiden commentariolum. Teubner, Stuttgart 1997 (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), ISBN 3-8154-1823-2.


  1. Franz Bretzigheimer: Studien zu Lactantius Placidus und dem Verfasser der Narrationes fabularum Ovidianarum. Mayr, Würzburg 1937.
