La Mar

Stele fragment from La Mar, Ocosingo, Chiapas (600-900CE) on display at the Regional Museum in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

La Mar, also known by its Maya name Rabbit Stone, is the modern name for a ruined city of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization located in the state of Chiapas in Mexico. During the 8th century AD, it was an ally of the nearby center Piedras Negras. Stela 12 at Piedras Negras, identifies one of the kings of La Mar as being named Parrot Chaak.[1][2]


  1. "Pomona". Mesoweb Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 6, 2014.
  2. "La Mar". Mesoweb Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 6, 2014.

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