LGBT rights in Guernsey

LGBT rights in Guernsey

Same-sex sexual activity legal? Legal since 1983, age of consent equal since 2012
Military service UK military since 2000
Discrimination protections Yes, since 2004
Family rights
Adoption No

Lesbian, gay, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) persons in Guernsey may face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Same-sex sexual activity for both men and women is legal in Guernsey, but households headed by same-sex couples are not eligible for the same legal protections available to opposite-sex couples.

Law regarding same-sex sexual activity

Prior to 1983, same-sex sexual activity was illegal; after decriminalisation, the age of consent was set at 21 (in line with the UK at that time).[1] In 2000, the age of consent for male same-sex sexual acts was lowered to 18.[2] In 2010, the States of Guernsey backed, in principle, the proposal to equalise the age of consent at 16.[3][4] The legislation to this effect was approved in 2011 and took effect on 5 November 2012.[5][6][7] However, Guernsey retains male homosexual specific offences in its criminal law.[7]

Recognition of same-sex relationships

There is no civil marriage for same sex couples in Guernsey. Nor is there any provision for civil partnerships. However, civil partnerships performed in the United Kingdom and other relationships treated as such by the UK law are recognised for succession purposes in inheritance and other matters respecting interests in property since 2 April 2012.[8][9][10] In January 2014 it was announced that within the next twelve months Deputies will debate whether to accept a States-recognised civil union.[11] The proposed law which is now titled Union Civile, is said to be "the most forward-looking marriage law" in the world.[12]

Discrimination protections

Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender reassignment is banned since 2004.[13]

Adoption and parenting

Although same-sex couples can't legally adopt, lesbian couples can have access to IVF and artificial insemination.

Local LGBT charities and organisations

Liberate is the only organisation in the Channel Islands that represents the local LGBT community. It was established in February 2014 with the aim to "include, inform and support the local LGBTQ community", as well as to reform discriminatory laws in the Bailiwick.[14]

Summary table

Same-sex sexual activity legal (Since 1984)
Equal age of consent (Since 2012)
Anti-discrimination laws in employment only (Since 2004)
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services (Since 2004)
Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas (incl. indirect discrimination, hate speech)
Same-sex marriage (Proposed)
Recognition of same-sex couples / (Inheritance and other matters respecting interests in property only)
Step-child adoption by same-sex couples (Proposed)
Joint adoption by same-sex couples (Proposed)
Gays and lesbians allowed to serve openly in the military (UK responsible for defence)
Right to change legal gender (Since 2007)
Access to IVF for lesbians (Since 2009)
MSMs allowed to donate blood
Commercial surrogacy for gay male couples (Banned for heterosexual couples as well)

See also
