LGBT rights in Connecticut

LGBT rights in Connecticut

Same-sex sexual activity legal? Legal since 1971
Gender identity/expression Yes
Discrimination protections Yes (both sexual orientation and gender identity/expression)
Family rights
Recognition of
Same-sex marriage legal since 2008
Adoption Yes

The establishment of LGBT rights in the U.S. state of Connecticut is a recent phenomenon, with most advances in LGBT rights taking place in the 21st century.

Laws against homosexuality

Laws against consensual sodomy were repealed in 1971.[1]

Same-sex marriage in Connecticut

Connecticut enacted a civil union law effective October 1, 2005, that provided same-sex couples with some of the same rights and responsibilities under state law as married couples.[2]

On October 10, 2008, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled in Kerrigan v. Commissioner of Public Health that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry and said the state's civil union statute violated the equal protection clause of the state constitution. The decision came in a case brought in 2004 by the eight same-sex couples who were denied marriage licenses in Madison, Connecticut.[3] The first same-sex marriages in Connecticut took place on November 12.[4]

Discrimination protection

Connecticut bans discrimination on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in public places, public and private employment, governmental services and in receiving goods and services from public places or governmental institutions.[5][6][7]

Hate crimes

All individual citizens under state law are protected from hate crimes motivated by both sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.[8]

Adoption and parenting

Connecticut allows adoption by single individuals, opposite sex and same-sex couples, married or not. Statutes say that the sexual orientation of a prospective adoptive parent may be considered in adoption decisions, but there is no evidence that an adoption has been denied on the basis of sexual orientation.[9]


  1. "Connecticut Sodomy Law". 2007-03-08. Retrieved 2013-12-05.
  2. New York Times: William Yardley, "Connecticut Approves Civil Unions for Gays," April 21, 2005, accessed June 26, 2011
  3. New York Times: Robert D McFadden, "Gay Marriage Is Ruled Legal in Connecticut," October 10, 2008, accessed March 11, 2011
  4. New York Times: Lisa W. Foderaro, "Gay Marriages Begin in Connecticut," November 12, 2008, accessed March 11, 2011
  5. KIRK JOHNSON (1991-04-18). "Connecticut Senate Passes Law Protecting Gay Rights". Retrieved 2013-12-05.
  6. Human Rights Campaign: Connecticut Non-Discrimination Law, accessed July 6, 2011
  7. Wareham, Hannah Clay (July 6, 2011). "Conn. governor signs transgender protections into law". Bay Windows. Retrieved August 11, 2013.
  8. "Connecticut Hate Crimes Law". Retrieved 2013-12-05.
  9. Human Rights Campaign: Connecticut Adoption Law, accessed June 26, 2011