
Created by Suzette Haden Elgin
Date 1982
Setting and usage experiment in feminist linguistics, and featured in Elgin's novel Native Tongue
Sources a priori language, with influences from Navajo and English
Language codes
ISO 639-3 ldn
Linguist list
Glottolog None

Láadan is an avowedly feminist[1] constructed language created by Suzette Haden Elgin in 1982 to test the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, specifically to determine if development of a language aimed at expressing the views of women would shape a culture; a subsidiary hypothesis was that Western natural languages may be better suited for expressing the views of men than women. The language was included in her science fiction Native Tongue series. Láadan contains a number of words that are used to make unambiguous statements that include how one feels about what one is saying. According to Elgin, this is designed to counter male-centered language's limitations on women, who are forced to respond "I know I said that, but I meant this".



Láadan is a tonal language, which is unusual for constructed languages. It utilises two distinct tones:

The word "Láadan" has three syllables: "lá-" with the short vowel /a/ plus high tone; "-a" with the short vowel /a/ and no tone; and "-dan".

Láadan does not allow any double [i.e. long] phonemes. Whenever two identical short vowels would occur side by side in a single morpheme, one of them has to be marked for high tone. When adding an affix would result in two identical vowels side by side, an epenthetic /h/ is inserted to prevent the forbidden sequence. The language will allow either "máa" or "maá," but not "maa". These combinations can be described as:

(Some people analyze these tone sequences as tonemic as well, for a total of four tones.)

Elgin prefers an analysis of the language as having no long vowels and a single tone, the high tone (distinguished from "neutral, baseline pitch"), but she acknowledges that linguists using other formalisms would be justified in saying that there are two tones, high and low (or unmarked or mid).[2]


Láadan has five vowels:


  Labial Dental /
/ Palatal
Central Lateral
Nasal m /m/ n /n/
Plosive b /b/ d /d/
Fricative voiceless th /θ/ lh /ɬ/ sh /ʃ/ h /h/
voiced zh /ʒ/
Rhotic r /ɹ/
Approximant w /w/ l /l/ y /j/

Láadan lacks the consonants /p, t, k, ɡ, s/. However, it uses b, d, sh (/ʃ/), m, n, l, r, w, y (/j/), h with the same phonetic value as English. In addition to these, three digraphs require further explanation:


Most Láadan sentences contain three particles:

Láadan is a verb–subject–object (VSO) language. Verbs and adjectives are interchangeable. There are no articles, and the object is marked by the -th or -eth suffix. The plural number is shown only by the me- prefix to the verb. The particle ra following a verb makes it negative. Separate clauses are joined by the particle .

Some basic sentences in Láadan
Láadanliteral translationidiomatic translation
bíi ril áya mahina wastatement present-tense beautiful/beautify flower observed-truthThe flower is beautiful
báa eril mesháad withquestion past-tense plural-go/come womanDid the women go/come?
bíi ril lámála with ruleth wastatement present-tense stroke/caress woman cat-object observed-truthThe woman strokes the cat
bóo wil di le nethrequest hypothetical speak/say I you-objectI would like to speak with you, please.
bíi aril meleyan ra lanemid wáastatement future-tense plural-be-brown negative dog received-truthI hear the dogs will not be brown
bíi ril le an hé eril ne bethudeha wastatement present-tense I know embedded-clause-marker past-tense you cave-at observed-truthI know that you are at the cave


Láadan has an agglutinative morphology, and uses a number of affixes to indicate various feelings and moods that many natural languages can only indicate by tone of voice, body language or circumlocution.

(-)lh(-)disgust or dislikehahodimi: "pleasantly bewildered"; hahodimilh: "unpleasantly bewildered"
du-to try tobíi eril dusháad le wa: "I tried to come"
dúu-to try in vain tobíi eril dúusháad le wa: "I tried in vain to come"
ná-progressive aspectbíi eril dúunásháad le wa: "I was trying in vain to come"
-(e)thanatural possessorlalal betha: "her mother's milk"
-(e)thocustomary or legal possessorebahid letho: "my husband"
-(e)thipossessor by chancelosh nethi: "your money (gambling winnings)"
-(e)thepossessor by unknown provenanceana worulethe: "the cats' food"
-iddenotes male (otherwise female or gender neutral)thul: "mother/parent"; thulid: "father"

The speech-act particle, at the beginning of a sentence, can also carry several suffixes, which expand on the overall state of the sentence. For example, bíi begins a statement, but bíide begins a statement that is part of a narrative; bóoth begins a request made in pain; báada begins a question that is meant in jest.


Pronouns in Láadan are built up from a number of constituent parts. The consonant l marks the first person, n the second person and b the third person. Usually, these are followed by the vowel e. However, the vowel a is used to designate someone who is loved (lhe- is prefixed to describe someone who is despised). The suffix -zh is used to mark a plural pronoun for numbers up to four, and -n for numbers beyond that. Therefore, lazh means "we, several beloved", and lheben means "they, many despised".

See also


Further reading

External links

Look up Appendix:Láadan in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.