Kuder–Richardson Formula 20

In statistics, the Kuder–Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) first published in 1937[1] is a measure of internal consistency reliability for measures with dichotomous choices. It is analogous to Cronbach's α, except Cronbach's α is also used for non-dichotomous (continuous) measures.[2] It is often claimed that a high KR-20 coefficient (e.g., > 0.90) indicates a homogeneous test. However, like Cronbach's α, homogeneity (that is, unidimensionality) is actually an assumption, not a conclusion, of reliability coefficients. It is possible, for example, to have a high KR-20 with a multidimensional scale, especially with a large number of items.

Values can range from 0.00 to 1.00 (sometimes expressed as 0 to 100), with high values indicating that the examination is likely to correlate with alternate forms (a desirable characteristic). The KR-20 may be affected by difficulty of the test, the spread in scores and the length of the examination.

In the case when scores are not tau-equivalent (for example when there is not homogeneous but rather examination items of increasing difficulty) then the KR-20 is an indication of the lower bound of internal consistency (reliability).

The formula for KR-20 for a test with K test items numbered i=1 to K is

r= \frac{K}{K-1} \left[ 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^K p_i q_i}{\sigma^2_X} \right]

where pi is the proportion of correct responses to test item i, qi is the proportion of incorrect responses to test item i (so that pi + qi = 1), and the variance for the denominator is

\sigma^2_X = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i-\bar{X})^2\,{}}{n}.

where n is the total sample size.

If it is important to use unbiased operators then the sum of squares should be divided by degrees of freedom (n  1) and the probabilities are multiplied by


Since Cronbach's α was published in 1951, there has been no known advantage to KR-20 over Cronbach. KR-20 is seen as a derivative of the Cronbach formula, with the advantage to Cronbach that it can handle both dichotomous and continuous variables. The KR-20 formula can't be used when multiple-choice questions involve partial credit, and it requires detailed item analysis.[3]


  1. Kuder, G. F., & Richardson, M. W. (1937). The theory of the estimation of test reliability. Psychometrika, 2(3), 151–160.
  2. Cortina, J. M., (1993). What Is Coefficient Alpha? An Examination of Theory and Applications. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(1), 98–104.
  3. http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/chemed/stats.html (as of 3/27/2013

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