

Location in Karnataka, India

Coordinates: 16°37′59″N 74°51′00″E / 16.633°N 74.85°ECoordinates: 16°37′59″N 74°51′00″E / 16.633°N 74.85°E
Country  India
State Karnataka
District Belgaum
  Total 4 km2 (2 sq mi)
Elevation 536 m (1,759 ft)
Population (2011)
  Total 44,518
  Density 4,963/km2 (12,850/sq mi)
  Official Kannada
Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)
PIN 591 311
Telephone code 08331

Kudachi is a panchayat town in Belgaum district in Karnataka.


As of 2011 India census,[1] Kudachi had a population of 44,518. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Kudchi has an average literacy rate of 68%, lower than the national average of 74.9%: male literacy is 60%, and female literacy is 46%. In Kudachi, 16% of the population is under 6 years of age.

The major source of income in this small town is agriculture, mainly sugar cane. Kudachi is near to the sugar works located in the town of Ugar (9 km). This small town is famous for many things. including its sugar cane crop, tasty brinjals, its different culture, and its many religious places or dargahs.

The dargahs include the famous Junnedi Silsila's 'Waqat Maghdoom Khondmir Saheb's' Dargah (in Bazaran - that is the market place in native Dakani Urdu) and the other famous Dargah of 'Ma Saheb Bi' on the banks of River Krishna that runs parallel to this historic village. 'Gada' a forest place 3–4 km from Kudachi railway station, on the banks of river Krishna, has the 'Chilla' (a revered spiritual place like dargah) of Mohammad Sheikh Sirajuddin Junnedi, a very highly respected Sufi saint of Junnedi Silsila, in India, and especially in deccan India, who happen to enthrone the great Bahemani King 'Hasan Gangu' of Deccan. Mohammad Sheikh Sirajuddin Junnedi's tomb is situated in Gulbarga city. In fact the village Kudchi was given to the great Sufi saint as a mark of respect and the original inhabitants of this village are all descendants of the said Sufi saint.


The Mevlevi Order, or the Mevlevilik or Mevleviye a Sufi order founded in Konya (in present-day Turkey) by the followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi(radiAllah anhu), a 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic jurist, and theologian. They are also known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of dhikr (remembrance of God). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi path; the whirling is part of the formal Sema ceremony and the participants are properly known as semazens.[1]

The Mevlevi was founded in 1273 by Rumi's (radiAllah anhu) followers after his death, particularly by his successor Hüsamettin Çelebi who decided to build a mausoleum for Mevlâna, and then Mevlâna's son, Sultan Veled Celebi (or Çelebi, Chelebi, meaning "fully initiated"). He was an accomplished Sufi mystic with great organizing talents. His personal efforts were continued by his successor Ulu Arif Çelebi.

The Mevlevi believe in performing their dhikr in the form of a "dance" and music ceremony called the Sema, which involves the whirling from which the order acquired its nickname. The Sema represents a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through mind and love to "Perfect". Turning towards the truth, the follower grows through love, deserts his ego, finds the truth and arrives at the "Perfect". He then returns from this spiritual journey as a man who has reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation.

Rumi has said in reference to Sema, "For them it is the Sema of this world and the other. Even more for the circle of dancers within the Sema Who turn and have in their midst, their own Ka'aba." and what he is saying is that when, like in Mecca you have come closer to God, likewise when you perform Sema you are also closer to God.

The conclusion: One who makes their own Ka'ba cannot be regarded as Muslims. They are true Mushriks. Performing Sema doesn't brings closer to God, but takes away far from Tawheed.


This is one of the village in India where Shirk is performed at its best. Far away from Quran and Hadith. Bowing in front of Mazars and celebrating Urs is the habitual yearly act. Peerzade's are one of the breeds who are following Khaleefah system. Khaleefah has his Mureeds (disciples) bowing in front of Khaleefah and seeking his blessings similar to the act done by Hindus. This leads to Shirk and it is totally unacceptable in Islam.

Islam and Shirk, in their true meanings, are complete opposites. Their meanings are explained absolutely clearly in the Qur'an and Sunnah – about this there is a consensus. So he who commits Shirk does not fulfill the basis of Islam.

How can one who commits Shirk fulfill the basis of Islam, when this very basis is to leave all Shirk and dedicate all your worship to Allah alone? Therefore whoever commits Shirk can never be a Muslim? One is either Muslim or Mushrik, a third group does not exist! Islam means, in the consensus of the scholars of language and Tafseer and all other scholars “to completely submit oneself under the Will of Allah”, so including the humility, submission and obedience. Allah the Almighty says:

“Yes, but whoever submits his face (whole self) to Allah (performs his deeds free from Shirk, purely for Allah) and he is a Muhsin (is a doer of good) then his reward is with his Lord (Allah), on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (Baqarah 2:112)

At-Tabary narrates from some of the Salaf as follows: “That they said, “He who submits his whole self to Allah” means “Akhlasa lillah” (that he does it purely for Allah alone, free from Shirk, submitting himself only to Allah).” He said further: “Like Zaid ibnu Amr ibn an-Nufail also said: “I have surrendered my face (my whole self) to Him (purified it completely from all other), to Whom the clouds carrying pure water also surrendered.”

Meaning here, “I have submitted myself to His obedience, to Whose obedience the clouds have also submitted and Whose orders they follow.”

In this Ayah (2:112) Allah the Almighty mentions those who submit their faces alone to Allah. Mentioning the face here has been given preference to over the rest of the body because the most precious, important and worth protecting part of the body is the face. When a person submits his face, his most precious part of the body, to something or someone then the rest of the body naturally follows in submission. For the Arabs it was logical (linguistically) that when they mentioned the face it meant the body as a whole.

So the Ayah means “Nay, whoever obeys and worships Allah purely (free from Shirk) for Allah alone and carries it out in the best manner…” As also stated and thoroughly explained by Ibnu Katheer. Hence, Islam means, in the consensus, to surrender in worshipping Allah alone with submission without associating anything with Him. Whosoever does not do this can never be a Muslim, upon this they are all in agreement. And how else can it be? Let us demonstrate this by means of an example: A man never rides a horse, instead always walks by foot and he also never did ride, how could a rational and reasonable thinking person call him an equestrian (one who rides a horse)? Similarly, a person who never submitted himself to Allah alone, and attributed others to Him, someone who never worshipped Him sincerely and still does not do it, such a person cannot be described as a Muslim. He does not possess the characteristics required in Islam which would make him to a Muslim and his deeds are not according to the deeds of a Muslim. No one who has a common sense would define him as a Muslim.

Ibnu Taymiyyah, may Allah be merciful to him, says in Majmu‟ ul-Fataawa 14:282, 284: “And so anyone who does not worship Allah, must undoubtedly be worshipping something other than Him; he worships someone other than Him and is therefore a Mushrik. Among the sons of Adam there is no third part. There is only Muwahhid and Mushrik or those who combine both parts like the distorters of the followers of different religions and the Christians and those who have gone astray who consider themselves to be within Islam”.

He who reflects over this passage, will find that Shaykh ul-Islam says five times, each time in a different way that someone who commits Shirk can never be a Muslim. Is there something clearer than that?

Shaykh Abd ur-Rahman says in his work “Explanation of the principle of Islam and its most important pillar” and Abd ul-Latif says in Minhaaj (pg. 12): “He who commits Shirk, leaves Tawheed for they are two opposites which never come together and can never cancel each other out.”

When Islam departs, Shirk must take its place whereas it is irrelevant why Islam departed. And who does not know this, has not understood Islam.


  1. "Census of India 2001: Data from the 2001 Census, including cities, villages and towns (Provisional)". Census Commission of India. Archived from the original on 2004-06-16. Retrieved 2008-11-01.

2. http://al-aqeedah.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:islam-and-shirk-are-opposites&catid=34:articles&Itemid=53 Islam and shirk are opposites