
Kragensiegel, also Kragenpatte(n) (in en: collar patch, gorget patch), are badges, to be worn on the gorget (on both collar points) of military uniform in German speaking armed forces. Kragenspiegel for General officers are called "Arabesque embroidery" (de: Arabeskenstickerei, also Larisch-Stickerei); at the time being simple "Arabesque" (de. Arabeske). Each patch consisted of the padding, and two parallel facings (de: Patten), the so-called Litzenspiegel, symbolising the double braid of the 19th century. The padding of collar patches showed the wearer's Waffenfarbe (en: corps-, weapon-, or branch color).[1]

See also

⇒ main article Gorget patches

Versions of collar patches in German armed forces

1 Arabesque embroidery (de: Arabeskenstickerei)
2 Kapellenlitzen (de: Kapellenlitzen)
3 Kolben embroidery (de: Kolbenstickerei)
4 Cloth patch with rang galloon (de: Tuchspiegel mit Rangborte)
5 Cloth patch with military branch symbol of the GDR NPA (de: Tuchspiegel mit Waffengattungssymbol (NVA der DDR))


  1. Wörterbuch zur deutschen Militärgeschichte, 1. Auflage (Liz.5, P189/84, LSV:0547, B-Nr. 746 635 0), Militärverlag der DDR (VEB) – Berlin, 1985, Band 1, S.396 „Arabeskenstickerei“.