Korda Studios


Korda Studios (in Hungarian: Korda Filmstúdió) is a new film studio complex 26 km west of Budapest in the wine-making village of Etyek; hence the media nickname Etyekwood. It is built on the site of a former barracks with six studios. The studio is named after Sir Alexander Korda. There was a former Korda Studios in London until c1980 (see Abbey Road Studios).

Korda Studios were inaugurated in April 2007. Altogether six studios were built from a total budget of 90 million Euros. It boasts a sound stage of 5975 square (64.314 sq feet) metres which is claimed to be the biggest of its kind in the world. The "superstage" was delivered in 2009. The entire financing was made from private capital investment. The main shareholders are Sándor Demján, Andy Vajna, Peter Munk and Nathaniel Philip Rothschild.

Specialising in designing film studios, Bastien and Associates Inc. of the USA made the architectural designs and Iparterv Épülettervező Zrt. of Budapest made the permit designs and as-built plans. The investors originally planned to implement the project in three phases. The studios use the most developed technology and feature all supporting service facilities including wardrobes, make-up rooms and offices. The complex also has a 50 seat screening room.

The first film produced at Korda Studios was Hellboy II: The Golden Army of Universal Studios directed by Guillermo del Toro.

Fact sheet

Studios and Sizes

Korda Studios has 6 state of the art sound stages meeting the industry’s highest level of expectations:

Stage 1: 1946 square metre. 49.4 x 39.4 metre. 10.75 metre internal height including 10 x 10 x 4 metre watertank

Stage 2: 1769 square metre. 49.4 x 39.4. 10.75 metre internal height

Stage 3: 1769 square metre. 49.4 x 39.4. 10.75 metre internal height

Stage 4: 961 square metre. 24.4 x 39.4. 10.75 metre internal height

Stage 5: 2205 square metre. 37 x 59.6. 13.75 metre internal height

Stage 6: 5856 square metre. 96 x 61. 20 metre internal height

Backlot sets

Korda Studios has three existing backlot sets:

* New York Brooklyn backlot set: built for Hellboy II: The Golden Army

The New York backlot Street set at Korda Studios was created for the movie Hellboy 2 – The Golden Army. The New York / Brooklyn block offers a great location for films, commercials or special events with an authentic atmosphere. The backlot includes a full Brooklyn street block with four-story facades on sides, a movie theater, bank, restaurant, repair shop, freight loading docks and fire escapes.

The length of the main street is 120 meters which runs into 60 meter long side streets at each end. The width of the paved road is 14,5 meters excluding the 3 and 4m sidewalks on each side.

The large backlot area at Korda Studios makes it possible to extend the set to all sides. The façade of the streets can easily be rebuilt to suit the production’s needs.

* Renaissance backlot set: built for The Borgias TV series

The renaissance backlot set was built for the TV series The Borgias. The impressive backlot was designed by Francois Seguin. The stunning set portrays numerous regions of historical Italy, from The Vatican to Florence. The more than 1 hectare renaissance city has various styled buildings and gates, courtyards, alleys, interiors, prison cell, a piazza and Vatican façade.


* Medieval village backlot set: built for World Without End miniseries

The medieval backlot set is situated in a beautiful natural environment next to a lake and forest. It was constructed on a 12 000 sqm backlot for the TV series World Without End. The set portrays a village from the 13-14th century with various houses, fortress wall, central square and ambulatory. Most of the houses include interiors, the rest have the possibility to be constructed.

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