Konoe Iehisa

In this Japanese name, the family name is "Konoe".

Konoe Iehisa (近衛 家久, June 17, 1687 - September 11, 1737), son of regent Iehiro, was a kugyō or Japanese court noble of the Edo period (1603–1868). He held a regent position kampaku from 1726 to 1736. He had two consorts: daughters of Shimazu Tsunataka and Shimazu Yoshitaka, third and fourth heads of the Satsuma Domain, respectively. With the latter he had a son Konoe Uchisaki and two daughters who were consorts of Tokugawa Munechika, ninth head of Owari Domain, and Tokugawa Munetake, fonder of Tayasu-Tokugawa.
