Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!!

Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!!

Developer(s) 8ing
Publisher(s) Bandai
Platform(s) PlayStation 2, Gamecube
Release date(s)
  • JP December 15, 2005
Genre(s) Versus fighting
Mode(s) Multiplayer

Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!! is a video game released in Japan for the PlayStation 2 based on the Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime/manga series (Zatch Bell! outside of Japan).


This game is a cel-shaded Super Smash Brothers style game. There are a few game modes to choose from.

1. DEMONIC HORROR MODE: Gash manages this mode. Select your character and battle it out in every stage against 3 random opponents each battle. A noteworthy fact is that you will always end up fighting the same character you have chosen at least once per time using this mode. This mode is also used for unlocking special material in the game, as long as you accumulate at least 50,000 points total after the battles. Here are the rewards as followed:

Gash: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Rein as a playable character.

Tio: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Zeon as a playable character.

Kyanchome: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Bari as a playable character.

Umagon: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Ted as a playable character.

Burago: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Zofuisu as a playable character.

Wonlei: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks the "yellow" Card Item.

Kid: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks the "Life Drain" Slot result.

Ted: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Earth as a playable character.

Bari: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Keisu as a playable character.

Laila: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Victoream as a playable character.

2. VERSUS MODE: Tio manages this mode. First, decide if the mamono fight solo, or in teams. Next, decide how many will be in the brawl, then select your characters, arena, and even battle options and get fighting!

3. STORY MODE: Kyanchome manages this mode. Choose between either Gash's Story, Tio's Story, Kyanchome's Story, or Umagon's Story to play in. Here are the known rewards for completing the Story Modes of each character.

Gash: Unlocks "Mecha Vulcan" as an Item Box result.

Tio: Unlocks the "blue" Card Item.

Kyanchome: Unlocks the "Command Jumble" Slot result.

Umagon: Unlocks the "Guard Break" Slot result.

ALL COMPLETED: Unlocks the Card Gallery in the main menu.

4. CARD GALLERY: Umagon manages this mode. Choose between mamono, partner, spell, or event card categories, and view blown-up images of a wide assortment of Gash Bell cards!

5. OPTIONS: Burago manages this mode. Select whether to Save game, Load game, turn Autosave ON or OFF, change the Key Configuration, play the game in STEREO or MONO, and play in Easy, Medium, or Hard Mode.

Playable characters

Playable Characters/Teams
  • Zatch Bell and Kiyo Takamine|Gasshu Beru and Kiyomaro Takamine
  • KanchomĂ© and Parco Folgore|KyanchomĂ© and Forugore
  • Tia and Megumi Oumi|Tio and Megumi Oumi
  • Wonrei and Li-en|Wonrei and Ri-en
  • Brago and Sherry Belmont|Burago and Sherrie Belmonde
  • Ponygon and Kafk Sunbeam|Umagon and Kafka Sunbeam
  • Kido and Dr. Riddles|Kid and Doctor Nazonazo
  • Bari and Gustav|Vincent Bari and Gustav
  • Laila and Albert|Reira and Albelle
  • Victoream and Mohawk Ace|Bictoreem and Mohikan Ace
  • Ted and Jido|Ted and Jeed
  • Arth and Elly|Earth and Elly
  • Rein and Kyle|Rein and Kairu
  • Kiees and Berun|Keisu and Berun
  • Zofis and Koko|Zofuisu and Coco
  • Zeno and Dufort|Zeon and Dyufo

Items and Cards

The game contains random items and such that appear during battle. These range from simple attack power-ups, to the all out super attack cards.

Item Box

Much like the Item Boxes in Mario Kart, melee'ing these will cause a random effect to happen. Here are the possibilities.

1. Naomi-Chan: Naomi will drive all around the screen like crazy in all directions, running into whoever gets in the way. Guarding is ineffective, and few shield spells are sufficient to avoid her rampage.

2. Big Boing: Big Boing will activate her Big Boing Chop to create a noticeable pink energy field, and anyone within its radius is stunned, and rendered immobile for about 5 seconds, while staring in awe. It is impossible to take this head-on, you have to avoid it.

3. Mecha-Vulcan: A Mecha-Vulcan model will rise from the bottom of the screen to the left or right and fire a laser beam from its eyes. Guarding is inefficient, and few shield spells can prevail.

4. Faudo's Fist: Riou will call out to Faudo and have him punch the lowest level of the arena three times, once to the left, middle, and right of the screen. A magic seal appears in the area where he is about to strike, allowing you to know that you must get away from it at once. Nothing can block or defend against this. You have to TRY and avoid it.

Friendship Slot Item When this item is obtained, a slot machine appears on screen. Whatever 3 items are matched up will give the character who used said item a special effect or power boost for a short time. Here are the possible results.

1. NOTHING: In the image of an "X", this basically means you are cheated out of the bonus of the Slot Item.

2. SHRINK: In the image of a small person, this means that whoever don't have their faces on the Slot Item will be shrunken down to the size of a flea for about 10 seconds, and are unable to use their spells. However all other abilities are still accessible.

3. GUARD BREAK: In the image of a shield with a crease through it, this means that whoever don't have their faces on the Slot Item will have their guarding ability disabled for about 10 seconds.

4. COMMAND JUMBLE: In the image of many arrows going in random directions, this means that whoever don't have their faces on the Slot Item will have all of their keys to perform functions jumbled and out of order for about 10 seconds. Making it harder to move, attack, and guard. However, the jumble is never random, so enough practice on the opposite controls, and this should hardly be a setback for you.

5. LIFE DRAIN: In the image of a hunched person with arrows above them facing upward, this means that whoever don't have their faces on the Slot Item will turn black and gradually decrease in health for about 10 seconds.

Power-Up Cards Random cards that function as power-ups will appear randomly during battle. They can be picked up, and activate special power-ups for the character who wields them.

1. Red Card (Recovery): Whoever activates this card will have a large chunk of their Life returned to them.

2. Green Card (Growth Charge): Whoever activates this card will turn to the size of a giant for about 10 seconds. While the giant is unable to use spells, melee damage is steadily increased.

3. Blue Card (Psycho Run): Whoever activates this card will immediately run for their lives into their opponents, making you virtually untouchable for about 10 seconds. Your speed is drastically increased, and the only functions capable are changing direction and jumping.

4. Yellow Card (Time Increase): Whoever activates this card will automatically increase the current countdown by 10 seconds.

5. Silver Card (Ultimate Spell): Whoever activates this card will unleash their ultimate spells in the direction they're currently facing.

Stage Gimmicks Technically not an item, stage gimmicks exist in each stage for the players to use to their advantage. For example, the snowman in the snow level can be knocked into other players for some great damage. Other things exist in each stage as well. These stage gimmicks give a slight strategy flavor to the game that is otherwise just a simple beat-em'-up game. Here's a full list of such.







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