Kolovrat (band)

This article is about the band. For the Slavic symbol, see Swastika.

Kolovrat - most famous Russian Rock Against Communism/Thrash Metal band. This is a cult band among the Russian nationalists.[1][2]


The band was founded in 1994, in Moscow. Originally called "Russian ghetto" (Russian: Русское гетто), they changed their name to Kolovrat in the autumn of 1997. "Коловрат" became the first Russian rock band that wholly and fully devoted its work to promote racism and national-socialism. Permanent leader - Denis Gerasimov. 1997-2004 were the most active years for the band, their concerts drew hundreds of people; skinheads, football hooligans, etc., and were notorious in the media for the rioting that almost always followed a live performance of Kolovrat.

In January 2004, after a successful tour in Czech Republic, the leader of the band Denis was arrested and charged with a slew of anti-free speech crimes. He spent the next year and a half awaiting trial after which he was released due to the lack of evidence that the prosecutor couldn't gather together and was subsequently deported back to Russia.

The band is still around as of the mid-2010s

On November 4, 2009, the band played openly for the first time in the center of Moscow, at the Bolotnaya Square as part of the yearly "Russian March",[3] which caused some outcry in the Western European media.

See also

List of neo-Nazi bands
