Kolese Gonzaga

Gonzaga College Jakarta
Kolese Gonzaga Jakarta
Motto Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (Latin)
For the Greater Glory of God
Established 1987
Rector Pater Thomas Sarjumunarsa, SJ
Principal Pater Leonardus E. B. Winandoko, SJ
Location Jakarta, Indonesia

SMA Kolese Gonzaga is a high school in Pejaten, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. It was established in 1987. By the time of its establishment, the Catholic school has only accepted male students, but it has accepted female students since 1990. It was originally named as Kolese Kanisius unit Selatan (English: Canisius College, Southern Unit). It was renamed to its current name in 1990. It also nicknamed as Gonz or GC (Gonzaga College).


The school was built alongside with the Wacana Bhakti Seminary on a ground in Pejaten, South Jakarta owned by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Jakarta . It was built on from 1986-1987. And on November the 3rd, 1988, the school was inaugurated. At first, it only accepted male students, but it has started to accept female students since 1990.


The school has adopted several mottoes:

Major School Events

Current: Gonzaga Festival, Gonzaga Visual Art, School Jamboree, Live-in, Study tour, New Students' Orientation Period (MOPD),

Former: Gonzaga School Meeting (GSM), Gonzaga Performance Night (GPN), Gonzaga Science and Art (GSA), Computer Competition @ Gonzaga (CC@G),

Administration structure

The school is led by a Rector, who oversees the Principal. The principal has three vice principals, one each for Curricular Affairs, General Affairs, and Student Affairs, the last one more commonly known as the Moderator inside the school community. The Rectors, Principals, and Moderators traditionally are ordained Jesuit Priests.

In Popular Culture

Kolese Gonzaga is well known to be one of the settings of the famous Indonesian film Ada Apa dengan Cinta?.

See also

Other Jesuit Colleges in Indonesia:


External links