Knut Ångström

Knut Johan Ångström
Born January 12, 1857
Died March 4, 1910
Nationality Swedish
Fields physics
Institutions Uppsala
Influenced August Kundt

Knut Johan Ångström (January 12, 1857 – March 4, 1910) was a Swedish physicist. He was the son of physicist Anders Jonas Ångström and studied in Uppsala from 1877 to 1884, when he received his licentiat-degree, before going for a short time to the University of Strassburg (Strasbourg) to study with August Kundt. Coming back to Uppsala, he completed his doctoral degree and was appointed lecturer in physics at the new university college in Stockholm (now Stockholm University) in 1885. After a few years working there, he returned to Uppsala in 1891 and received the professorship of Physics in 1896.

He focussed his research investigating the radiation of heat from the sun, terrestrial nocturnal emission and its absorption by the Earth's atmosphere, and to that end devised various delicate methods and instruments, including his electric compensation pyrheliometer, invented in 1893, apparatus for obtaining a photographic representation of the infra-red spectrum (1895) and pyrgeometer[1] (abt. 1905).

He was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1893.


  1. Interview With Dr Anders K. Ångström (Knut's son), WMO Bullitin 1982 "an excellent opportunity for me to use my father's radiation instruments, the pyrheliometer and the instrument for measuring outgoing nocturnal radiation to which I had already given the name pyrgeometer"

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