Klemen Žumer

Klemen Žumer, 2014

Klemen Žumer [klèmen zhumer] (19 December 1979, Ljubljana, Slovenia) MSc in International Political Economy (London School of Economics) and MA in European Studies (Sciences Po Paris), European functionary and young Slovenian politician.

Žumer has since May 2006 been an Advisor in the EPP Group in the European Parliament, where he is responsible for the relations with Slovenia as well as advises on the EU-Ukraine relations and is a member of the cabinet of the Chairman of the EPP Group Joseph Daul. 2004-2006 he was the chief of staff in the parliamentary office of former PM of Slovenia Lojze Peterle in the European Parliament. 2007-2010 he was vice-president of the political party NSi, elected by the Slovenians abroad. During his studies and work around the world he has cofounded many Slovenian associations, among them the LSE Student Society in London, Bruslov.net and NK Bruselj in Belgium and the Association for connecting Slovenians SloArg. In 2009 he was a candidate for a member of the European Parliament.

In 2014, Klemen successfully passed the competition tests for the head of unit in the European Parliament DG COMM (Directorate General for Communications) and in March 2014 became the Head of the European Parliament Information office in Slovenia.



    1. Jozwiak, Rikard. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", European Voice, Brussels, 26 February 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    2. EPP Group. " Vade-Mecum of the Secretariat of the EPP Group", Klemen Zumer, Brussels, 1 May 2006. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    3. Kurinčič, Danijel. "Interviju - Klemen Žumer, Evropski parlament (2007)", VTV Velenje, Strasbourg, 1 May 2007. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    4. PR Nsi. "Podpredsednik NSi za Slovence posvetu je mag. Klemen Žumer", NSi, Ljubljana, 23 May 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    5. Wikipedia. "Volitve poslancev iz Slovenije v Evropski parlament 2009", Wikipedia, Ljubljana, 1 May 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    6. Zumer, Klemen. "Kandidat 2009", Uradna spletna stran, Ljubljana, 1 May 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    7. Evropske volitve. "Kandidat Klemen Žumer", RTV Slovenija MMC, Ljubljana, 1 May 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    8. STA. "Slovenci v Argentini domnevno ostali brez glasovnic za evropske volitve", Časopis Dnevnik, Ljubljana, 12 June 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    9. Šentjurc, Tea. "Kdo gre s kom proti Bruslju", 24ur.com, Brussels, 9 April 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    10. Miklavčič, Nataša. "Evropa v Sloveniji (Klemen Žumer)", TV Oron, Brussels, 1 November 2006. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    11. Sipoš, David. "Klemen Zumer za evroposlanca", Vimeo, Brussels, 9 May 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    12. Web TV. "Nagovor mladim", WebTV.si, Brussels, 9 April 2009. Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
    13. Evropski parlament. " Vodenje Informacijske pisarne Evropskega parlamenta prevzel mag. Klemen Žumer ", www.europarl.si, Ljubljana, 17 March 2014. Retrieved on 2014-17-03.
    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Klemen Žumer.