

Location in Iraq

Coordinates: 31°50′17″N 45°28′50″E / 31.83806°N 45.48056°E

Kisurra (modern Tell Abu Hatab, Al-Qādisiyyah Governorate, Iraq) was an ancient Sumerian city situated on the west bank of the Euphrates, 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) north of Shuruppak. The cities name has been described as meaning the "place of spinning" and also as "boundary-ditch". Kisurra's main deity was Ninurta. Later, Ishara's main Mesopotamian cult centre was at Kisurra, although she is also thought to have been worshipped across a wide area amongst Syrians, Canaanites, and Hittites.[1]


Kisurra was established ca. 2700 BC, during the Sumerian Early Dynastic II period. The southern end of the Isinnitum Canal was joined back into the Euphrates at Kisurra.[2] The city lasted as a center for commerce and transport through the Akkadian and part of the Babylonian Empires, until cuneiform texts and excavation show a decline during the time of Hammurabi (c.1800 BCE).[3]

Kings of Kisurra


German archaeologists, beginning with Robert Koldewey in 1902, have found many cuneiform tablets from Tell Abu Hatab.[6][7][8]

See also

Cities of the Ancient Near East


  1. Isara
  2. Sumerian Waterways
  3. Rogers, Robert William (1915) A History of Babylonia and Assyria. The Abingdon Press p435
  4. NETBible: Babylon
  5. Zimmerer, Neil (2003) The Chronology of Genesis: A Complete History of the Nefilim. Adventures Unlimited Press ISBN 1-931882-22-3 p30
  6. Walter Andrae, Die Umgebung von Fara und Abu Hatab, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient Gesellschaft, no. 16 , pp. 24-30, 1903
  7. Walter Andrae, Ausgrabungen in Fara und Abu Hatab. Bericht über die Zeit vom 15. August 1902 bis 10. Januar 1903, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient Gesellschaft, no. 17, pp. 4-35, 1903
  8. E. Heinrich, Fara: Ergebmisse der Ausgrabungen der Deustchen Orient Gesellschaft in Fara und Abu Hatab 1902/03, J.C. Hinrichs, 1931

Further reading

External links

Coordinates: 31°50′17″N 45°28′50″E / 31.83806°N 45.48056°E