Kiona-Benton City School District

The Kiona-Benton City School District is a public school district in Benton County, Washington.


The Ki-Be School District, as it is informally known, includes three schools

Kiona-Benton Elementary School

Kiona-Benton Middle School

Kiona-Benton High School 1A School


The schools offers a variety of sports:

Sports for Elementary School

Grades K-5th have access to multiple athletic programs.

Sports for Middle School

Sports for High School

Performing arts

The school district is currently working on building up respectable programs for Band, Choir, and Drama. As of 2009-2010, KBSD offers Band for 5th grade-8th grade, and Choir for 7th and 8th grade at the Middle School. At the High School, the offerings expand. KBHS currently has one Band, 3 Choirs (Mixed Choir known as "The Ursa Major Chorus", Treble Choir, an a cappella group known as "The Royales"), and Drama classes. The Drama club also offers students the opportunity to perform in full production plays.


The high school clubs:

Yearly Activities

Throughout the year the students enjoy "Breaking-down-the-walls," an activity in which students get to know their schoolmates. In Fall the teenagers' favorite events are Homecoming, the Veterans Day Assembly, Spirit Week and Halloween. Winter activities include Christmas. Spring activities are Prom, Senior Skip-day (the last day of school for seniors) and Spring Break. Camp Wooten is highly enjoyed and eagerly waited for by the 6th graders.


James Otto

Booster Clubs

Kiona-Benton Performing Arts Boosters

Providing the support to enhance and flourish our Drama, Choir and Band programs. For the Past 6 years the Ki-Be Performing Arts have gone from non-existent to Full Marching Band, Major Drama productions, Superior ranking Choir. The middle School choir alone is one of the largest in Washington State. We support all aspects of the youth in the Performing Arts program at Kiona-Benton Schools.

Kiona-Benton Bears Athletic Boosters

Official re-untied August, 2014. Athletic Boosters has formal began in 2014 where we advocate support for all youth athletics throughout our community. As well as, support funding needed to enhance the performance of these programs.

The Booster Club shall exist for the purpose of broadening the involvement of students, their parents (or legal guardians), their families and the school through support for all students’ activities in inter-school athletic programs. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Booster Club works to achieve its mission through seeking the active participation of as many parents or legal guardians, families, educators, administrators and the community as possible in Booster Club programs and events, and works closely with the coaches, the athletic or activities director, the principal, and the KIONA-BENTON High School and KIONA-BENTON School District Administrations.

External links