Kingdom of Poland (1385–1569)

Kingdom of Poland
Królestwo Polskie (pl)
Regnum Poloniae (la)

Royal Banner Royal Coat of arms
Nic o nas bez nas
"Nothing about us without us"
Gaude Mater Polonia[1]
"Rejoice, oh Mother Poland"
The Kingdom of Poland between 1386 & 1434.
Capital Kraków
Languages Polish, Latin
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Hereditary Monarchy
 -  1385–1389 Jadwiga (first)
 - 1548–1569 Sigismund II (last)
Legislature Sejmik
 -  Privy Council Senate
Historical era Middle Ages
 -  Union of Krewo 14 August 1385
 - Statute adopted 3 May 1505
 -  Union with Lithuania 1 July 1569
Currency Polish Złoty

The Kingdom of Poland (Polish: Królestwo Polskie; Latin: Regnum Poloniae), was the Polish state created by the Union of Krewo, uniting Poland and Lithuania under the rule of a single monarch. Later, elected monarchs of both states happened to be the same persons, or members of the same royal family. The union was transformed to a closer one by the Union of Lublin in 1569, which was shortly followed by the end of the Jagiellon dynasty that had ruled Poland for two centuries.

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kingdom of Poland —
Jagiellonian Dynasty (1385–1569)
