King's graph

King's graph

8x8 King's graph
Vertices nm
Edges 4nm-3(n+m)+2

In graph theory, a king's graph is a graph that represents all legal moves of the king chess piece on a chessboard where each vertex represents a square on a chessboard and each edge is a legal move. More specifically, an n \times m king's graph is a king's graph of an n \times m chessboard.[1]

For a n \times m king's graph the total number of vertices is simply n m. For a n \times n king's graph the total number of vertices is simply n^2 and the total number of edges is (2n-2)(2n-1).[2]

The neighbourhood of a vertex in the king's graph corresponds to the Moore neighborhood for cellular automata.[3] A generalization of the king's graph, called a kinggraph, is formed from a squaregraph (a planar graph in which each bounded face is a quadrilateral and each interior vertex has at least four neighbors) by adding the two diagonals of every quadrilateral face of the squaregraph.[4]


  1. Chang, Gerard J. (1998), "Algorithmic aspects of domination in graphs", in Du, Ding-Zhu; Pardalos, Panos M., Handbook of combinatorial optimization, Vol. 3, Boston, MA: Kluwer Acad. Publ., pp. 339–405, MR 1665419. Chang defines the king's graph on p. 341.
  2. "Sloane's A002943 ", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
  3. Smith, Alvy Ray (1971), "Two-dimensional formal languages and pattern recognition by cellular automata", 12th Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory, pp. 144–152, doi:10.1109/SWAT.1971.29.
  4. Chepoi, Victor; Dragan, Feodor; Vaxès, Yann (2002), "Center and diameter problems in plane triangulations and quadrangulations", Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '02), pp. 346–355.

See also