Kfar Tab (West Syrian Diocese)

Kfar Tab was a diocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church near Emesa in Syria, attested in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Four of its bishops are mentioned in the lists of Michael the Syrian.


The main primary source for the Syrian Orthodox bishops of Kfar Tab is the record of episcopal consecrations appended to Volume III of the Chronicle of the Syrian Orthodox patriarch Michael the Syrian (1166–99). In this Appendix Michael listed most of the bishops consecrated by the Syrian Orthodox patriarchs of Antioch between the ninth and twelfth centuries. Twenty-eight Syrian Orthodox patriarchs sat during this period, and in many cases Michael was able to list the names of the bishops consecrated during their reigns, their monasteries of origin, and the place where they were consecrated.


Kfar Tab was a locality near Emesa (modern Homs).[1]

Bishops of Kfar Tab

Four Jacobite bishops of Kfar Tab are mentioned in the lists of Michael the Syrian.[2]

Name From Consecrated in the reign of Place of consecration
Basil not known Dionysius VI (1088–91) not known
Ignatius Monastery of Saint Mark's, Jerusalem Athanasius VI bar Khamara (1091–1129) not known
Cyril Monastery of Mar Bar Sawma, Melitene Athanasius VI bar Khamara (1091–1129) Monastery of Dovair, Antioch
Philoxenus Monastery of Dovair, Antioch Athanasius VII bar Qutreh (1139–66) Kaishum

The diocese of Kfar Tab seems to have lapsed before the end of the twelfth century.


  1. Fiey, POCN, 223–4
  2. Michael the Syrian, Chronicle, iii. 451–82 and 502
