Ken Holt

Ken Holt

Volume 1
Author Sam Epstein
Beryl Epstein
Country United States of America
Language English
Genre Mystery
Publisher Grosset & Dunlap
Published 1949-1963
Media type Print

Ken Holt is the central character in a series of 18 mystery stories for adolescent boys written by Sam and Beryl Epstein[1] under the pseudonym Bruce Campbell. The series was published by Grosset & Dunlap between 1949 and 1963.


Ken Holt is the son of a world-famous foreign correspondent. With his friend, Sandy Allen, he travels around the world solving various mysteries.


Like all Grosset & Dunlap books, the series was printed in Wrap-around Dust Jacket for volumes 1-17. After #18 was republished in a picture cover format, #1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 15 were reprinted in Picture Cover. Dust Jackets editions of the other books were printed in 1962 and had not sold out, they were still available in Dust Jacket from the publisher as late as 1974.

After Volume 18

According to Jim Towey, letters between fans over the years have asked about any volumes after the series ended. Sam Epstein said that he decided to end the series on his own account.

List of titles

  1. The Secret of Skeleton Island (1949)
  2. The Riddle of the Stone Elephant (1949)
  3. The Black Thumb Mystery (1950)
  4. The Clue of the Marked Claw (1950)
  5. The Clue of the Coiled Cobra (1951)
  6. The Secret of Hangman's Inn (1951)
  7. The Mystery of the Iron Box (1952)
  8. The Clue of the Phantom Car (1953)
  9. The Mystery of the Galloping Horse (1954)
  10. The Mystery of the Green Flame (1955)
  11. The Mystery of the Grinning Tiger (1956)
  12. The Mystery of the Vanishing Magician (1956)
  13. The Mystery of the Shattered Glass (1958)
  14. The Mystery of the Invisible Enemy (1959)
  15. The Mystery of Gallows Cliff (1960)
  16. The Clue of the Silver Scorpion (1961)
  17. The Mystery of the Plumed Serpent (1962) In this book, Ken borrows some gadgets from Rick Brant, a character in a similar but more science oriented series. The favor is repaid in the Rick Brant book, The Flying Stingaree.
  18. The Mystery of the Sultan's Scimitar (1963)[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Axe, John. All About Collecting Boys' Series Books. Hobby House Press, Inc., 2002.

External links