Kemerovo tickborne viral fever

Kemerovo virus
Virus classification
Group: Group III (dsRNA)
Order: Unassigned
Family: Reoviridae
Genus: Orbivirus
Species: Kemerovo virus

Kemerovo tickborne viral fever is an aparalytic febrile illness accompanied by meningism following tick-bite.[1] The causative agent is a zoonotic Orbivirus first described in 1963 in western Siberia by Mikhail Chumakov and coworkers.[2] The virus has some 23 serotypes, and can occur in coinfections with other Orbiviruses and tick-transmitted encephalitis viruses, complicating the course of illness.[3] Rodents and birds are the primary vertebrate hosts of the virus;[4] Ixodes persulcatus ticks are a vector of the virus.[5] Kemerovo and related viruses may be translocated distances in the environment by migratory birds.[6]


  1. Hoogstraal, H. 1967. Tickborne Hemorrhagic Fevers, Encephalitis, and Typhus in U.S.S.R. and Southern Asia. Experimental Parasitology 21: 98–111.
  2. Chumakov, M. P., E. S. Sarmanova, M. V. Bychkova, G. G. Bannova, G. P. Pivenova, L. G. Karpovich, V. K. Izotov, and O. Ye. Rzhakhova. 1963. Identification of the virus of the Kemerovo tick fever. Proof of the antigenic independence of this virus. (In Russian, English summary). Voprosy VirusoIogii 8: 440–444.
  3. Krauss, H., A. Weber, M. Appel, B. Enders, H. D. Isenberg, H. G. Schiefer, W. Slenczka, A. von Graevenitz and H. Zahner. 2003. Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible from Animals to Humans. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. p. 88.
  4. Mehlhorn, H. (ed.). 2001. Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology, Biology-Structure-Function, Second Edition. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. p. 555.
  5. Hoogstraal, H. 1966. Ticks in Relation to Human Diseases Caused by Viruses. Annual Review of Entomology 11: 261–308.
  6. Hoogstraal, H. 1972. Birds as Tick Hosts and as Reservoirs and Disseminators of Tickborne Infectious Agents. Wiadomości Parazytologiczme XVXIX (4-5-6): 703–706.