Kellgren-Lawrence grading scale

The Kellgren-Lawrence grade (or K-L system) is a scoring tool used to assess the severity of knee osteoarthritis on a plain radiograph.[1] It was first proposed in 1957 by Drs. J.H. Kellgren and J.S. Lawrence.[2]


Grade Description
0 No radiographic features of osteoarthritis
1 Possible joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation
2 Definite osteophyte formation with possible joint space narrowing
3 Multiple osteophytes, definite joint space narrowing, sclerosis and possible bony deformity
4 Large osteophytes, marked joint space narrowing, severe sclerosis and definite bony deformity


  1. Emrani, P. S.; Katz, J. N.; Kessler, C. L.; Reichmann, W. M.; Wright, E. A.; McAlindon, T. E.; Losina, E (2008). "Joint space narrowing and Kellgren-Lawrence progression in knee osteoarthritis: An analytic literature synthesis". Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 16 (8): 873–82. doi:10.1016/j.joca.2007.12.004. PMC 2701468. PMID 18280757.
  2. Kellgren, J. H.; Lawrence, J. S. (1957). "Radiological assessment of osteo-arthrosis". Annals of the rheumatic diseases 16 (4): 494–502. PMC 1006995. PMID 13498604.

See also