Kelgian (Sector General)

A Kelgian (physiological classification DBLF) is one of about seventy known intelligent species in the fictional Sector General universe, and one of the most common species in Sector 12 General Hospital itself. Overall, A Kelgian resembles a 5–6 ft. long furry caterpillar whose fur is constantly rippling in various patterns. The motion of the fur of a Kelgian is a completely accurate guide to what it is feeling and necessary for communication within the species itself. This trait makes the Kelgians completely incapable of any form of untruth.

Physical summary


Kelgians, as indicated by the first letter "D" of their classification, are oxygen breathers whose normal gravity approximates the standard gravity of Earth. Their atmosphere is an oxygen-nitrogen combination that also approximates Earth's. They are herbivores, eating plants (such as crelletin vine shoots) by putting their face inside of their bowl. They sleep in an "S" or a question mark pose in zero-gravity or, in regular gravity, on a bed.


They are about 5–6 ft. long once they reach maturity and they walk and lie horizontally, although they can temporarily stand up on their rearmost four legs, at which point they would be at eye level with average humans. They have four extensible eye-stalks which can turn to give a 360° view of their surroundings. Their number of legs varies throughout the series, but is generally held to be 12 pairs, or 24 legs.[1] They have no neck or skeleton, due to an immense and highly vulnerable cardiovascular system. This system is complex, with two hearts and many thin-walled blood vessels near the surface. This, combined with high pressure and a high pulse rate, makes cuts very dangerous; a Kelgian can bleed to death from a minor injury if not controlled. Their skin is thicker than a human's, and they have two mouths, one for their digestive system and one for their respiratory system. A Kelgian female conceives once in her lifetime, producing two offspring of each gender. Their speech sounds like a series of hoots and whines to human ears.

Their fur, which is always in motion, is a perfect and uncontrollable mirror to their emotional state, and gives emotional context to the Kelgian voice which has no emotion in it. They highly value their fur, as it is very important to their pre-marriage proposals and allows them to speak properly. Doctors operating on them will try to remove as little fur as possible. Because of the properties of their fur, Kelgians never developed the concept of being diplomatic, lying, or politeness (and indeed are infamous for this trait).

Important Kelgians


  1. "GURPS Sector General races". Steve Jackson Games. 2002. Retrieved 11 August 2007.