
Goddess of embalming liquid
Name in hieroglyphs
W16 X1 I12 H6
Symbol Ostrich or snake
Consort None
Parents Anubis[1]
Anubis, father of Kebechet

In Egyptian mythology, Kebechet (spelt in hieroglyphs as Qeb-Hwt, and also transliterated as Khebhut, Kebehut, Qébéhout, Kabehchet and Kebehwet) is a goddess, a deification of embalming liquid. Her name means cooling water.[2]


Kebechet is a daughter of Anubis.[3] In the Pyramid Texts, Kebechet is referred to as a serpent who "refreshes and purifies" the pharaoh.[4]

Kebechet was thought to give water to the spirits of the dead while they waited for the mummification process to be complete. She was probably related to mummification where she would fortify the body against corruption, so it would stay fresh for reanimation by the deceased's ka.


  1. Rosa Thode, El panteón egipcio, Qebehut en
  2. Caroline Seawright: Anubis, God of Embalming and Guide and Friend of the Dead...
  3. Richard H. Wilkinson: Die Welt der Götter im Alten Ägypten - Glaube, Macht, Mythologie -. S. 223.
  4. Hart, George (1986), A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses,   via Questia (subscription required) , London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, p. 26, ISBN 0-415-34495-6.