KdV hierarchy

In mathematics, the KdV hierarchy is an infinite sequence of partial differential equations which starts with the Korteweg–de Vries equation.

Let T be translation operator defined on real valued functions as T(g)(x)=g(x+1). Let \mathcal{C} be set of all analytic functions that satisfy T(g)(x)=g(x), i.e. periodic functions of period 1. For each g \in \mathcal{C}, define an operator L_g(\psi)(x) = \psi''(x) + g(x) \psi(x) on the space of smooth functions on \mathbb{R}. We define the Bloch spectrum \mathcal{B}_g to be the set of (\lambda,\alpha) \in \mathbb{C}\times\mathbb{C}^* such that there is a nonzero function \psi with L_g(\psi)=\lambda\psi and T(\psi)=\alpha\psi. The KdV hierarchy is a sequence of nonlinear differential operators D_i: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C} such that for any i we have an analytic function g(x,t) and we define g_t(x) to be g(x,t) and D_i(g_t)= \frac{d}{dt} g_t , then \mathcal{B}_g is independent of t.

See also


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