Kathleen Haddon

Kathleen Haddon (1888-1961) was an English zoologist, photographer, and scholar of string-figures.[1][2][3][4][5] She was the daughter of influential British anthropologist and ethnologist A. C. Haddon; she accompanied her father on a journey along the coast of New Guinea during his Torres Straits Expedition. She married O. H. T. Rishbeth.[6]



  1. Haddon, K. 1911. Cat's Cradles from Many Lands. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
  2. 1915. 'In Papua with a Piece of String.’ The Chronicle of the London Missionary Society; July:140.
  3. 1918. Some Australian String Figures. Melbourne: Ford & Son.
  4. 1929. ‘In the Gulf of New Guinea.’ Country Life; 24, 268-70.
  5. 1930. Artists in String. String Figures: Their Regional Distribution and Social Significance. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
  6. Haddon, K. (1934) String Games for Beginners. Cambridge: Heffer; p. 1