Kate Buchanan

Kate Buchanan is a avian behavioural ecologist investigating how sexual selection has shaped the evolution of complex songs in birds and ultimately how this is reflected in the evolution of the brain itself.

Education and appointments

Kate Buchanan gained a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the University of Glasgow in 1989 and a Doctor of Philosophy from Royal Holloway University, London in 1997, working with Professor Clive Catchpole. After studying two postdoctoral degrees at the University of Stirling, she was awarded a Personal Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 at Cardiff University. She was a lecturer at Cardiff University from 2003 to early 2008.

In early 2008 Buchanan took a position at Deakin University, Australia, in Geelong campus where she worked within the Centre for Integrative Ecology.

In 2013 she was appointed an Associate Professor at Deakin University and was awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship in 2014[1]

She is editor of the scientific ornithology journal Emu.
