
Kastenlauf participants in Harrislee

Kastenlauf, Kistenlauf, Bierkastenlauf, Bierlauf, Bierkastenrennen (literally crate-running, beer crate-running, or equivalents), biergrätle-race, or Bier-Rallye, is a drinking game/sport that is played in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. It is a race among teams that consist of two people carrying a crate of beer, all of which must be consumed prior to crossing the finish line.[1][2]

The route generally varies from 5 km to 12 km in length.[3]

In Munich, kastenlauf events have been organized since 1982.[4]


  1. (German) Fuldaer Zeitung Tragischer Unfall beim Fuldaer Kastenlauf, 19. Juli 2006
  2. (German) A 2007 brochure about the Philosophy Department, University of Würzburg
  3. "Was ist eigentlich ein Kastenlauf?" (in German). June 26, 2006. Retrieved Jan 5, 2011.
  4. (German) "Die zehn Kultveranstaltungen im Münchner Uni-Kalender", Mayers magazine, 2003, no.4