
Karmang the evil is a fictional character from DC Comics. He was an evil sorcerer who lived on the planet Mars, in Earth 1. His debut and only appearance (Pre-Crisis) was in All-New Collectors' Edition # C-58. Created by Gerry Conway and Rich Buckler.


Karmang lived on Mars, and is the sole survivor of a Martian civilization of more than a million years ago, even more ancient than the civilization of J'Onn J'onnz (the Martian Manhunter). It was an advanced civilization in every way (Although having white skin color, it is uncertain whether the race Karmang ties to the White Martians). After a scientific experiment that made the once good Karmang immortal, their entire civilization was killed by the energy given off as a result. Karmang, haunted by the ghosts of his people, had his personality changed over the millennia, becoming evil and crazy.

Karmang evokes Black Adam (archenemy of Captain Marvel) and a then recent Superman enemy, called Quarmer. Quarmer was a being created from the desert sand when all Kryptonite was destroyed in a chain reaction in Superman (first series) # 233.

Karmang used these two villains to create simulations of battles with the two heroes on their dimensions. He created the illusion that Black Adam was Captain Marvel, and Superman was Quarmer. The two villains would fight briefly with the opposite hero to whom personified, to create rivalry between the two heroes. Both Adam and Quarmer installed machines in the Earth 1 and Earth S, devices making these Earths magnetically were close to each other, causing an explosion that would release the companions who were Karmang trapped in a ghostly limbo when the wizard was trying to find a way to make himself immortal. While Superman and Captain Marvel fight to the death, Supergirl and Mary Marvel discovered the enemies responsible for the mess, fly to Mars and face Karmang in his castle. While with cooler heads, Shazam the Wizard warns Captain and Super about the plot, and the two heroes team up to destroy the machines. Karmang is defeated by Supergirl and Mary Marvel, whom activated a machine that sent Karmang to limbo along with its ancient civilization, where he will spend eternity being haunted.

Powers and abilities

Karmang is an immortal sorcerer able to cast powerful spell enough to subdue powerful beings such as Black Adam. He is also an advanced scientist. It is unclear whether Karmang has any of the powers of Martian Manhunter, it is not known details about his race, which although white seems to have no connection with the white Martians. Apparently he has no weakness to fire, because he used a fire spell against Supergirl at a distance that himself could be affected. He has not demonstrated the abilities to shapechanging, super strength, and others, so characteristic to Martians. He had a monitor capable of observing events in Earth One and S.