Karl Friedrich Köppen

Karl Friedrich Köppen (1808 - 1863) was a German teacher and political journalist. He was one of the Young Hegelians.


Köppen was from a born in a pastor's family of Altmark. He studied theology in Berlin from 1827 to 1831, but later turned to religio-critical Hegelianism. After his studies and military service in 1833, he taught at the secondary school Dorotheenstädtischer. In 1837, he met Karl Marx, with whom he developed a close friendship. In 1840 he became one of the most active associates of Arnold Ruge and published Hallischen Jahrbücher (1841: Deutsche Jahrbücher). He wrote many reviews on political and scientific literature. Contemporary journalistic practice has been by strongly influenced his opinions reviews. He thus began a renewal of the Enlightenment as Köppen's criticism of classical literature, idealist philosophy and Romanticism. Köppen's views were deeply indebted to Karl Marx and he dedicated his book Frederick the Great and his Opponents to Marx.[1]



  1. (2000) Foster, John Bellamy, Marx's Ecology, p 51.

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